5 Easy Tips to Quick Clean Your House

Girl putting toys away in a storage ottoman to quick clean your house

Are you struggling to keep up with kids, cooking, and cleaning? I feel you, we all have busy schedules with work, family and various obligations. I’m always looking for easy tips to quick clean your house.

With three small children of my own, I need all the help I can get. Over time I’ve found a few sure-fire ways to make my house seem like I’ve got my junk together.

Read on for my 5 easy tips to quick clean your house that will fool your family and friends into thinking you can handle it all too.

5 Easy Tips to Quick Clean Your House on The ArtsyFartzy Experience blog

1) Clear the Dining Table

Yep, It’s one of the largest flat surfaces that are out for everyone to see. This is one of my favorite easy tips to quick clean your house. If you use it as a holding ground for papers, laundry, or toys, it’s not doing you any favors.

The idea is so easy, right?

When your table is cluttered, it merely brings those messes closer to the faces of the people you want to hide them from.

For a quick fix, put that laundry in your bedroom where hopefully your guests won’t see it.  But making a clear table a habit will improve the very essence of your home. You will thank me for the added chi in your life.

2) Add Storage Furniture

Okay, so you may not have the money on hand to pay for this quick clean your house tip, but there are tons of affordable options at value furniture sites like IKEA and Wayfair.  Filling your living room with a few essential pieces can make all the difference in the world. 

A cube shelf, a storage coffee table/ottoman, and a storage bench (for added seating) are all great items to keep the abundant toy collection your children have at bay.

A cube shelf, a storage coffee table/ottoman, and a storage bench (for added seating) are all great items to keep the abundant toy collection your children have at bay.  At least once a day, usually right before dinner, I instruct my oldest child to put away all the toys.  Everything should have a home in the various storage furniture, and she has learned where each item lives while she isn’t using it. 

Some category ideas may be a Barbie box (for all those crazy clothes they continuously ask you to dress their dolls in), baby toys box (to pull out during the day when it’s just you and your toddler), and my personal favorite the everything else box (which really explains itself). Storage furniture is well worth the expense when it comes to easy tips to quick clean your house.

Quick clean your house with storage furniture like cube shelves these girls are using to put toys in.
Baby girl getting toys out of a quick clean your house wicker storage box
Girl putting toys away in a storage ottoman to quick clean your house

3) Vacuum or Sweep

Suck it up buttercup.  Unless you are one of those rare people who truly enjoy vacuuming or sweeping this is a task you will have to grit your teeth and bare.

We have hard floors, so I find that I can sweep multiple times a day. There are some great cordless vacuums, but if that’s not in your budget I’ve found an oversized dust mop can work wonders for our entire first floor in a couple of minutes.

I’m not asking you to get on your hands and knees and edge the room or anything, but a quick run of your vac of choice will not only clean your floor but clear your air.  Guests with allergies will literally breathe easier with your freshly quick clean floor.

4) Wipe the Counters

Once again, this is another significant surface that is closer to your face and screams messy when it isn’t clean.  Do your best to de-clutter, organize the chaos, or in a real pinch throw it in a bag and hide it in a closet to be dealt with later. 

But the most important aspect is to wipe that counter clean.  Your guests may not notice that you cleaned your counter, but they most certainly will notice the crumbs and juice spill from breakfast. 

If you enjoy DIY and essential oils I recommend making your own natural cleanser to quick clean your house. Try making a 1:1 water and vinegar mixture in a dark spray bottle. You can add a few drops of essential oils (no more than 18 to every 2 ounces) in a 1% dilution that is completely safe around children and pets.

So, get cracking, and as a bonus easy quick clean tip send your little minions, I mean children, to wipe off the bathroom counters while you tackle the kitchen. Divide and conquer.

5) Make Your House Smell Clean

Oh, now didn’t that essential oil smell nice?  You can totally quick clean your house by making it smell great.  Just like realtors suggest that you bake cookies to make your home smell inviting to potential buyers, a well-placed soy candle or two will do the same. 

Don’t worry, I know you don’t even have time to clean, so I wouldn’t dream of suggesting you bake too. 

For those of you who are interested in going even more natural I recommend using a diffuser with essential oils.  Not only are they natural, but they also smell great, and you get the added health benefit from the various aromatherapy combinations you can create. Adding a pleasant scent to your home will help mask any lingering garbage can, pet, or dirty laundry odor you may be nose blind to.

Blue light essential oil diffuser to quick clean your house with scent
Black wood essential oil diffuser to quick clean your house with scent
Bamboo colored essential oil diffuser to quick clean your house with scent
Glass light essential oil diffuser to quick clean your house with scent
White pineapple essential oil diffuser to quick clean your house with scent
Mediterranean essential oil diffuser to quick clean your house with scent

Quick Clean Your House

Voila. That’s all it takes. I hope these 5 easy tips to quick clean your house help you to pull it together, but if you come to my house don’t go hunting for my hidden piles of junk. If you like this article please checkout my other DIY posts, and keep an eye out for some essential oil posts coming soon.

Sisters playing with a wooden baby hammer bench before you quick clean your house
Baby girl in pink skirt playing with a white plastic cube storage box that helps to quick clean your house
Quick clean your house with a sotrage bench for baby and toddler toys

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