Costco Allergen Free Foods for Soy Free Kids

Allergen Free foods for soy free kids snack ideas from Costco

Is your child one of the 0.4 percent of children allergic to soy? It’s a real learning curve if you’ve never experienced food allergies before. I hope this list of Costco allergen free food for soy free kids helps your family.

How We Found out Our Son Was Soy Free

Our son is our second child. The pediatrician told to assume he would be dairy free like our first—so we did. I was on a completely dairy free diet, so I could breastfeed him.

But still, our doctor was about to declare him “failure to thrive.” He seemed like an over sensitive baby. He was upset often and wanted to be held. And when I mentioned that he had an abnormal amount of dirty diapers the doctor dismissed me.

She told me I wasn’t eating enough calories. I’m thin framed and for most of my life, people assume I don’t eat (it’s can be pretty annoying). Regardless, she told me to load up on french fries, soy ice cream, and soy cheese on my vegetables. 

Of course, I followed the doctor’s orders and proceeded to eat a fast food meal, followed by soy cheese veggies and a big bowl of soy ice cream. I gave him a night feeding and we all went to bed. 

Within an hour or so he was upset, crying, and nothing I did consoled him. I changed a dirty diaper and when I put him upright to try to comfort him he threw up on me. I needed to change his diaper again and as his diaper was off he projectile feces on me. 

And then vomited AGAIN.

It was like Poltergeist.

I’ve never heard a baby scream like that before. As a parent, I was so upset that there was nothing I could do to help my child. Eventually, with Gripe Water and snuggles he calmed down.

The experience confirmed my suspicions. After a phone call to the doctor, and a visit to the G.I. my gut feeling was confirmed. We’ve been dealing with his soy allergy ever since.

Dairy Free Soy Free Formula

As a baby he was on Elecare formula and then we transitioned to Elecare Junior since he has the dairy sensitivity as well.

Pro-Tip: Purchase your Elecare on Amazon. It is way cheaper than in Walmart or other grocery stores—especially if you purchase multiple containers at a time.

Finding Costco Allergen Free Food

If you have soy free kids then you understand the struggle we’ve gone through over the last several years. Basically, you need to prepare everything from scratch. You can’t use most processed foods, sauces, desserts, you name it.

And though products may not have soy identified on the label we have run into more issues than I would care to with reactions. Whether it is from cross-contamination in the factory or the fact that it is not one of the legally obligatory ingredients that manufacturers need to label for.

It doesn’t really matter. The result was always the same—a very unpleasant diaper.

So when we joined Costco this last year I was happy to find some new soy free products we hadn’t heard of before, and others we know about at a good price. Hopefully, this list of Costco allergen free food for soy free kids will help your family.

Allergen Free Organic Crunchy Rice Rollers

The first Costco allergen free item is labeled just that—allergen free. If you are a purist in pursuit of soy free kids’ items then you likely are obsessed with labels. We are always on the lookout for those magical two words, soy free.

So, keep in mind that the Organic Crunchy Rice Rollers does not say soy free, but it is manufactured on allergen free equipment and does not contain any soy. When the product says allergen free it means the major allergens such as dairy, soy, egg, and nut.

My son has not had any issues with this product and surprisingly enjoys them. Think sweet rice cake, but in a cylinder shape. As long as he doesn’t have a reaction and he’ll eat them it’s a win in my book.

Costco Allergen Free foods for Soy Free Kids including Organic Crunchy Rice Rollers

Made Good Granola Minis

Another great Costco allergen free food for soy free kids is the Made Good Granola Minis. They come with 10 packs of chocolate chip and 10 packs of mixed berry granola balls. They are bite-size and perfect for lunch snacks or for something to grab-on-the-go.

And best of all they are labeled soy free, dairy free, nut free, tree nut free, sesame free, egg free, and fish free. They are great for schools with allergen restrictions.

Costco Allergen Free foods for Soy Free Kids including Made Good Granola Minis

Hippeas Organic Chickpea Puffs

Flavored potato chips or cheesy snacks were a real dream for my son. He has had more than one bad bathroom experience from sneaking other children’s snacks that had fallen on the floor at preschool. So, imagine Cheetos but way healthier, Hippeas organic chickpea puffs actually provide protein

When we found these vegan white cheddar flavored organic chickpea puffs I was wholeheartedly ready to give them a try. My poor kid deserves a few edibles joys in his life.

Well, thankfully these are a big hit. My not soy free daughter really likes them too. 

Hippeas Organic Chickpea Puffs are a great snack for soy free children

Soy Free Udi’s Bread

If you are soy free then I’m sure you’ve heard of the Udi’s brand. We had our first daughter on the B.R.A.T. diet on and off when she was one until we discovered all of her food allergies: dairy, egg, rhye, almond, and oats. She grew a real love of rice and toast, but offering bread that she could eat was a toughy. 

We tried various brands, some of which the dog wouldn’t even eat, and came upon Udi’s. It is made with egg white so we hoped she wouldn’t have a reaction. In the end, it was a win, but Udi’s is quite expensive.

As soon as our daughter grew out of her food allergies we started buying her regular whole grain bread, but with our son’s soy allergy we were back to purchasing the expensive bread. The price is why I’m including Udi’s bread on my Costco allergen free foods for soy free kids list.

You can purchase a package of two loaves of bread for about the price of one loaf at the high-end supermarket. And as an added bonus they do place it on sale occasionally, so you can purchase some extra at that time and put them in the freezer. 

It defrosts just fine. There was a time when Udi’s must have changed the formula and the slices stuck together after freezing. It was awful, but they must have altered the recipe again since it no longer does this.

Costco Allergen Free foods for Soy Free Kids including Udi's Gluten Free bread

Garden Lites Veggies Made Great

Breakfast is a challenge for soy free kids. Unless you want to make bacon and eggs every morning your choices are limited. My son often has toast for breakfast. 

Thank goodness for Udi’s bread.

But I feel so bad for him. He doesn’t get to try the various cereals his sister does, and he often wishes he could. 

This Costco allergen free food for soy free kids is a real win to start your child’s day. 

These little spinach egg white frittatas are jam-packed with veggies, so that is a plus in itself. But the really great thing is that they are labeled soy free, gluten free, peanut free, and tree nut free. 

The packaging has BPA free plastic which is an added bonus I appreciate. The eggs that are used are from cage free chickens. And each frittata is only 70 calories. 

The Garden Lite Veggies Made Great spinach egg white frittatas have so many wonderful features. I highly recommend you try them out.

Our Costco also carried the Blueberry Oat Muffin which my children especially liked. The first ingredient is actually zucchini. Sadly, this item was no longer in the store when I wrote this article, but it seems that it may still be in Costco stores out west—find out where it is sold here.

Garden Lites Spinach Egg White Frittatas found at Costco

Soy Free Kids Have Hope

Finding out my children have food allergies has completely changed our lives. Mostly for the better. It can be very expensive buying special formula and preparing fresh food.

In the long run, we are a much healthier family for it. I cook almost every day of the week, which is time-consuming but a necessity. It’s worth it to make sure my son gets the food he needs.

Now, we have our third baby and I knew from the beginning that I needed to eat a dairy free, soy free diet to breastfeed her. And now that she’s one we have her on the same foods as our son.

I genuinely hope this article helps other moms looking for solutions for their soy free kids. If you want more food tips or baby tips check out the other great articles I have on the blog.

Costco Allergen Free foods for Soy Free Kids

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  1. […] you like this article you may also want to read this post on soy free snacks for kids. And if you are looking for kids activities that will keep your children busy while you […]

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